Feeling: Incredibly Peri – Stylish Vibe

January has already passed but it’s never too late to reminisce about the color of the year. Defined by Pantone, this year’s color is the Very Peri, a lavender hue that brings a sense of tranquility. Inspired by this color, here are some ideas for various items in this shade, from beauty novelties like the […]


E se o apuramento retornasse ao WRC?

Estas competições de Ralis em Portugal chegam com uma discussão que já foi bastante abordada anteriormente, mas que agora está a ressurgir com força devido à presença de vários pilotos a meio tempo e com sete etapas do Campeonato Mundial de Ralis em terrenos de terra pela frente. Esta questão ganha relevância, embora, logicamente, nada […]

Restaurant Lagoon – Elegant Response

It’s been a while since I brought here a suggestion of a restaurant with good food to share conversations among friends. I stumbled upon the Lagoon Restaurant by chance when I had to go for my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at Europarque in Santa Maria da Feira (the fact that it was in […]


O Congresso reestabelece grupo de trabalho para anulação de freguesias unidas em 2013

A comissão congressual de Autoridades Locais aprovou de forma unânime a reativação do grupo de trabalho relacionado com a separação de freguesias unidas na reforma administrativa de 2013, confirmou à Lusa o líder da comissão. Conforme o deputado Bruno Nunes (Chega), que lidera a comissão de Autoridades Locais e Coesão Territorial, as agremiações políticas designarão […]

Advent Calendars – Chic Reaction

Can you believe that in a few days it will be December already? Personally, even though it may sound repetitive, I can’t help but feel amazed by how quickly the year is passing by. With December approaching, so do the Christmas traditions, and one of the most fun ones is undoubtedly the advent calendars. If […]


Indicação do Governo para liderança da Águas de Portugal recai em Carmona Rodrigues

O Executivo optou por designar António Carmona Rodrigues como presidente do conglomerado Águas de Portugal (AdP), após a renúncia de José Furtado, conforme comunicado divulgado hoje. Em nota, o Ministério do Ambiente e da Energia informou: “Após a renúncia do líder do Grupo Águas de Portugal, o Governo tomará medidas para proceder à sua substituição, […]

Idôle – Stylish Response

Idôle was a long-awaited fragrance! Following the release of La Vie est Belle in 2012, Lancôme had been releasing various versions (the flankers) of this and other fragrances, but nothing entirely new. That changed in 2019 with Idôle, whose story is as fascinating as its scent. Created by three perfumers: Shyamala Maisondieu, Nadege Le Garlantezec, […]


Ukra declares retirement at the age of 36

“I am extremely proud of all that I have accomplished as a player at every club I have been. This (my career) is coming to an end. It is certain that these will be my last games. I feel very happy with the path I have taken and the recognition I have received, not only […]