Three Days in Seville – Chic Reaction

Plaza de España

This year, on the eve of Holy Week, I found myself in Seville by chance. I didn’t know much about the city and only saw a few pictures on Instagram. A former colleague (who became a close friend) had moved there for work, which was the perfect excuse for me to visit. Five of us gathered and within about 6 hours, we were in Seville.

We shared an AirBNB in the Triana area, which, despite being very close to the center, managed to be quiet.

Day 1: Giralda, Royal Alcázar & Savoring Seville

The Seville Cathedral and the Giralda are two of the buildings that you cannot ignore. Seville Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in the world (behind the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil, and considering that St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican is not a cathedral), still being the largest Gothic cathedral in the world. The Giralda is a 104.1m tower that is a visible point from various spots in Seville.

Giralda, a 104.1m bell tower of Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral

Seville Cathedral

We wanted to visit the Royal Alcázar of Seville, which was one of the highlights we knew beforehand. Its construction dates back to the Arabic conquest of Seville in 713, and later in 1364, it was rebuilt by Pedro I “the Cruel,” blending both Arab and Christian art due to successive interventions.

Royal Alcázar

On the first day, after a late lunch, we headed towards the La Encarnación square, in the old town of Seville, to see the Metropol Parasol. The huge wooden structure was designed by the German architect Jürgen Mayer-Hermann and became known as the Seville Mushrooms due to its mushroom-like shape.Metropol Parasol Seville

Metropol Parasol

Day 2: Plaza de España, María Luisa Park & Seville Streets

On the second day, we left the city center to have lunch at a restaurant outside the city. We took a bus to San Lázaro and then walked back to Plaza de España.

Plaza de España

Plaza de España
Plaza de España Seville

Plaza de España Seville

María Luisa Park

During the way, and since the distance walked was long, we passed by various churches and buildings. Every corner in Seville is enchanting.

Seville Streets



Asraful Shohag

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