Marcelo persuades voting during a “critical period” in Europe’s history

The chief of the Portuguese State warns, “Seventy-four years later, Europe is going through a particularly critical period in its history.”

Today, the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, urged participation in the European elections during a moment when Europe is facing a “particularly critical period in its history,” with the war in Ukraine, climate change, populism, and intolerance.

In the deep belief that together, united in diversity, we are stronger than alone, and that Europe is crucial for our stability and prosperity, as well as for the world’s citizens, the President appeals to everyone to exercise their voting rights on the 9th of June (or earlier, on the 2nd of June), reads a message published on the official page of the Presidency.

On Europe Day, marked today, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa emphasizes “the unity, diversity, and the space of peace and democracy that is the European Union” and the pride in the achievements made since the Schumann Declaration on the 9th of May 1950, “which laid the foundations for the current European Union” bringing prosperity, security, social justice, solidarity, rights and freedoms, the free movement allowing thousands of young people to travel and study in various countries.

However, “seventy-four years later, Europe is going through a particularly critical period in its history,” warns the Portuguese head of state.

Not only “Russia is carrying out an unjust war against Ukraine” on European soil, but also the “escalation and resurgence of conflicts in other geographies, such as the Middle East” concern Europe and its citizens.

We face the existential task of combating climate change, threatening our planet and especially the future and well-being of younger generations,” he argues.

Finally, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa points to the “rise of populism, hatred, and intolerance,” which should urge citizens to “redouble their efforts in defending and promoting the fundamental values of human dignity, equality, rule of law, pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance and respect for human rights.”

“In a month, European citizens will be called to vote in the elections for the European Parliament, to choose the MEPs who will represent us for the next five years. This is a pivotal moment for the future of the European Union, starting a new legislative cycle and where we are collectively invited to reflect on the Europe we want and on the future of all, especially the younger ones,” he advocates.

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, also marked Europe Day with a post on the social network X, considering Portugal’s relationship with the European community as “gold on blue” and urged the Portuguese to vote in the upcoming European elections.

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Asraful Shohag

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