Continent, Adidas, and Nike stand out as the top three brands referenced by Portuguese consumers

According to the 2024 Consumer Study presented this Thursday by Superbrands Portugal at the Catholic University, there has been an increase in the presence of Portuguese brands in the TOP 20. From seven last year, it has now risen to 10, making up half of the ranking. In the national ranking, the top positions are held by Continent, Delta Cafés, and Pingo Doce.

Continent, Adidas, and Nike lead the ranking of brands in the 2024 Consumer Study presented this Thursday by Superbrands Portugal at the Portuguese Catholic University in Lisbon.

The TOP 20 also includes Delta Cafés, Samsung, Pingo Doce, Nestlé, Apple, Zara, MEO, Lidl, Coca-Cola, Vodafone, Mimosa, EDP, Mercedes, Worten, NOS, Galp, and Super Bock.

Among the list of the 20 most referenced brands, there are 10 national brands. These include Delta Cafés, Pingo Doce, MEO, Mimosa, EDP, Worten, NOS, Galp, and Super Bock.

It can be observed that in the national ranking, the top positions are held by Continent, Delta Cafés, and Pingo Doce.

Conducted by the external market analysis company AMINT, the Consumer Study aims to identify how consumers perceive brands. The study involved a panel of consumers who were challenged to spontaneously identify the three most important and relevant brands in each of the five dimensions: notoriety, unique brands, trust, identification, and meeting needs.

An analysis of the TOP 3 in these five dimensions shows that the Continent brand is the only one consistently mentioned, leading in four out of the five dimensions. Nike follows with three appearances in the TOP 3, while Adidas and Delta Cafés have two appearances in the TOP 3.

The 2024 results reveal that 79% of the TOP 20 most referenced brands by consumers are distributed across five sectors of activity: retail, food, sports, technology, and telecommunications.

In comparison with the 2020 Consumer Study data, it is noted that the sectors that have increased their presence the most in the TOP 20 are food, sports, telecommunications, and energy. The technology sector saw the most significant decline.

The study also segments responses by generations regarding their relationship with brands, providing a distinct view of the brands and why they are being referenced. The Silent Generation (1928-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980), Millennials (1981-1996), and Generation Z (1997-2012) are the identified generations.

Continent stands out by appearing in the TOP 3 of the overall ranking in all five generations. Adidas is in the TOP 3 of Brands in four generations (except the Silent Generation), and Nike is in the TOP 3 of two generations. On the other hand, Nestlé, Vodafone, Delta, and MEO only appear in one generation. It is also observed that Delta, Samsung, Pingo Doce, and Adidas are in the TOP 10 of all five generations.

Comparing last year’s data with this year’s data, it is evident that Continent remains the top brand across all generations, except in the Silent Generation, where Nestlé holds the first position.

Finally, it is noted that retail brands play a significant role among the five generations. Food brands also have a significant presence, especially among Baby Boomers, and Technology brands among Millennials.

The study was conducted between January 10 and February 15 of this year, with a representative sample of the Portuguese population in terms of age (16 years or older), gender, and geographical distribution. 1,000 online interviews were conducted, with a margin of error of 3.2%.

“There is a significant growth in Portuguese brands in the spontaneous reference TOP. If last year we had seven national brands in the TOP 20, this year that number has increased to 10,” says Pedro Diogo Vaz, the country manager of Superbrands Portugal. “We are witnessing a moment where this TOP is now 50% occupied by national brands. Although we are a country that values international brands greatly, this evolution demonstrates the recognition and relevance that consumers give to national brands, as well as the importance that national companies must place on the valorization of their brands.”.

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Asraful Shohag

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