Barium, Italy – Stylish Response

Frozen HarborItaly is undoubtedly a very culturally rich country and has a very rich history. Therefore, it ends up being a very desirable destination for travelers and tourists.

Having never been to Italy, I began my journey in a southern region, specifically “on the boot heel”. This is just one of the regions, located on the side bathed by the Adriatic Sea with beaches of infinite blue. I spent almost 4 days there and today I come to talk about what I discovered and the overall experience. Bari Italy

Old Bari and Bread and Tomato Beach

We stayed very close to the Bread and Tomato beach (I swear the name of the beach!). For this reason, walks to Old Bari and the central area not far from there were regular.

On the first day, we stayed in the Bari area, where we went to from the airport by train. We had lunch at a nearby restaurant that was a real surprise, Buò, where I had a carbonara pasta that was probably the best of my life.

The Lungomare Nazario Sauro Avenue ended up being the point that connected the place of our lodging to Old Bari and the more central area, which seemed to come alive at night. It was impossible not to be affected by the buildings on that avenue. At night, it filled with energy with younger people (where, from what I understood, cowboy boots were a big trend) and older people gathering, and it was also common to see high-displacement cars and some unusual sports cars. And of course, ending with ice cream and we ended up finding an artisanal gelato shop, Gentile.

Also in Bari, on one of the days, we chose to have dinner at Sapori Solari where the choice fell on the filet mignon.


Undoubtedly, one of the highlights was Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage City. On the day the forecast was of extreme rain, we departed from Bari Sud Est station towards Putignano. In Putignano, we were supposed to change to a bus or train stopping in Alberobello. It was a real challenge because, as we missed the next train, we knew there would be a bus. With many stops, buses (but school buses!) it was difficult and we simply gave up on the bus. We ended up taking the train and almost risked not having lunch. Everything closes at 3:00 PM – anyone who wants to extend their stay can stay at the terrace but with table service closed.

Alberobello Alberobello

Excluding adventures, Alberobello is undoubtedly a unique place worth visiting and it justifies all the difficulties in getting there. The trulli are constructions used by farmers for housing dating back to the 5th and 6th centuries. It is also said that the conical shape of these houses would serve as a tax evasion method of the time – with a roof that could be easily destroyed and built again, they could pass as “warehouses” or abandoned houses. The symbols on the roofs served to distinguish between them, but they are also associated with mystical protection symbols.

Today, they have been transformed for tourism purposes with restaurants, small shops of local products, souvenirs, and even local accommodation.



Asraful Shohag

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