Octant of Évora | Portugal’s Seasoning

Upon our arrival at Octant, a lodging situated on the Alentejo meadows close to Évora, the daylight was dwindling. The sun’s radiance still lingered, albeit appearing fatigued. It had been shining since daybreak to allow the blooming of wildflowers—recently drenched with rain—in vivid shades of yellow and purple.

Following a comprehensive revamp, the inn recommenced operations in 2021. Its foyer has been embellished with lively Alentejo patterns. The capacious chambers provide sweeping vistas of the neighboring countryside. Scattered throughout the premises are multiple petite ponds, ideal for tranquil introspection during the balmy summer season.

The lodging exudes a laid-back ambiance and presents three indulgences: the peaceful hush of the Alentejo, the dazzling constellations come nightfall, and the radiant luminosity by day. What more could one conceivably desire?

Tap here to access the property’s official site.

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Asraful Shohag

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