Reelection of the President of CPPME

The Portuguese Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises stated in a press release that “the outgoing board supports the list headed once again by Jorge Pisco.”

The election of the new Social Bodies of the Portuguese Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is scheduled for May 24th, as informed by CPPME.

In the statement, it was mentioned that “the outgoing board supports the list headed once again by Jorge Pisco.”

“This list presents itself for election with the commitment to deepen and continue the line of work pursued by the current Social Bodies, noting some changes in its composition,” highlighted the confederation.

The Action Program presented for election incorporates the following guiding principles: “Continuing to voice the demand for measures that safeguard MSMEs and boost the national economy.”

Additionally, “advocating for a reversal of economic, fiscal, credit, and other policies that have predominantly favored a minority of companies, to the detriment of the majority, the micro and small enterprises, which in practice create the majority of jobs and national wealth.”


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Asraful Shohag

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