Oxford pleads for industrial investment to be the “central theme” in the European Parliamentary elections

Just a month away from the European elections, the former minister requests that this issue be discussed during the campaign. Oxford reiterates that Portugal has conditions that few European countries possess.

In June, the Portuguese will return to the polls to cast their votes in the European elections. The campaign is ongoing, and the former Energy Secretary and former Minister of Infrastructure, João Oxford, argues that the future of industrial investment should play a “key” role in the political debate.

The former official posted on the social network X that Portugal is one of the “most competitive countries in Europe” regarding renewable energies, as well as in taking advantage of opportunities for green industrialization.

Oxford quoted a post from another user that highlights the importance of the European Parliament’s next term for the future of industrial investment. This concerns clean and digital economy sectors, such as semiconductors, batteries, green hydrogen, green steel, renewables, and electric vehicles.

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Asraful Shohag

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